Paris Jackson is “physically fine” after being taken to the hospital Wednesday, according to an attorney for Michael Jackson’s mother."Being a sensitive 15-year-old is difficult no matter who you are," Perry Sanders Jr. wrote in a statement to The Associated Press. "It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you. Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention. Please respect her privacy and the family's privacy.”
He did not comment on the circumstances leading to Paris’ hospitalization or give an update on her condition.
Debbie Rowe, Paris' mother, confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that her daughter had been hospitalized, saying Paris had "a lot going on." A source told CNN Paris had been taken to the hospital after cutting her wrists. TMZ reported Paris was taken out of her Calabasas, Calif., home on a stretcher around 2 a.m. about 30 minutes after an overdose was called into 911.
Culled from The Hollywood Reporter
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